Cyber Auditing Office >
Reporting Guide
Cyber Auditing Office appreciates the valuable information you
provide us with which will be used to ensure transparent management.
Cyber Auditing Office, a department that is independent from JW, undertakes management and corruption audits.
It receives anonymous reports of bribery, corruption, or suspected violations of anti-competition laws or regulations and
takes appropriate and immediate action if detected. All reports and actions will be treated confidentially.
Informant Protection
We do not reveal the identity of the informant, without his or her consent, or disclose any compromising information. (Reports can be made anonymously)
- Protection for
- ① The identities of the informant and the interested parties
- Protection policy
- ① The informant’s information and reported matter are processed confidentially
- ② The reporting system is protected with a safe security system
- Protected information
- ① The informant’s identity
- ② Evidence provided by the informant and information connected for the report
- ③ Information that can suggest the identity of the person accused
- ④ Follow-up measures, etc. taken based on the result
※ However, those who engage in groundless slanders or report on information related to a person’s personal life will
not be protected.
Matters to Report
- Admirable stories: employees engaging in excellent ethical management practices and setting exemplary a good deed
- Receiving compensations from interested parties
- ① Direct receipt of money and valuables : Money and valuables are directly received
- ② Indirect receipt of money and valuables : Money and valuables are received by a superior/subordinate to be given
to a superior/subordinate
- ③ Treats and entertainment : Treats and entertainment were received in relation to work
- Illegal and wrongful use of company assets
- ① Unauthorized use or removal of tangible assets of the company such as equipment and apparatus, etc
- ② Use of the corporate card, etc. for inappropriate purposes or personal use
- ③ Use of confidential information for profit-making purposes or unauthorized leak thereof
- ④ Withdrawal and unauthorized use of the company’s public funds
- Suggestions on improving the systems and work processes
- Conduct that disturbs the sound corporate culture
- ① Demoralizing conduct such as sexual harassment, etc.
- ② Disturbing order such as assaults and verbal attacks, etc.
- ③ Delinquency of duties, negligence of management and supervision, abuse of power and authority
- Wrongful shares in suppliers
- Violations of the relevant laws and regulations
- ① Violation of the Fair Trade Act and other laws on competition
- ② Violation of the Compliance Manual and the detailed operating standards
- ③ Violation of other relevant laws and company policies/regulations
※ False accusations and groundless slanders, etc. are considered unacceptable.
How to File a Report
- You can choose to make a named or anonymous report.
- Please provide specific information (i.e. who, what, why, when, where, how).
- Insufficient or lack of information may render it impossible to process the report or may cause delays.
- The result of the investigation will be notified to the informant via e-mail or by phone.