JW CreaGene’s Declaration on Free Will for Compliance
JW CreaGene is carrying out all of comprehensive internal programs including modification of internal policy and reinforcement of training and education for our members, and declares to public our strong free will to comply with related regulation such as Fair Trade Act and Medical Device Law. Despite all of our efforts to implement ethical standard and business integrity closely related to external environmental changes including changes of government policy and reinforcement of relevant regulations, one small mistake causing any violation on any related laws can result in great damage not only to ourselves who committed the mistake but also to both the company and our valuable customers.
Dear all JW CreaGene members!
I am proud of our proactive participating in JW CreaGene’s compliance program in order to achieve continuous growth by implementing our sales activity within the boundary of ethical standard and business integrity even under the rapid change of internal and external environments.
In case we recognize any type violation, we all should immediately report to a relevant department so that it should be treated according to proper legal procedure. It is also important to make utmost effort to prevent reoccurrence of any similar violation.
All members of JW CreaGene must keep in mind that our effort for reinforcement of comprehensive compliance programs will be the cornerstone for our business sustainability and I urge thorough and immediate implementation.
Thank you.